Elon Musk sues Sam Altman for betrayal

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Good Morning. Welcome to all new readers of Evolving World who have joined us since last week!

Here’s what we’ll cover today:
Sam Altman re-joins OpenAI’s board
Claude 3 might be the new AI king
Elon Musk sues Sam Altman for betrayal
Super Prompt of the week
AI Tools of the week
Premium Course of the week

Sam Altman rejoins OpenAI’s board

The whole mess with OpenAI's leadership is finally getting sorted. They did an internal investigation and the results are out. OpenAI’s board had legit concerns but firing Sam (that too, suddenly) was a bit of an overreaction. Sam is back at the OpenAI board with three new members.

Dr. Sue Desmond-Hellmann, who also serves on the board of Pfizer.

Nicole Seligman, former EVP and Global General Counsel of Sony.

Fidji Simo, CEO and Chair of Instacart.

The board also announced improvements to OpenAI’s governance structure, which includes a new set of corporate governance guidelines, and changes to the company’s conflict of interest policy.

But the saga is far from over. An article from the New York Times last week alleged that Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati had gone to the board and raised questions about Altman’s management before his ouster. Murati denied the report on X and called the claims misleading.

Altman appeared to back Murati in a statement posted on X, saying “i want to thank mira for our strong partnership and her leadership during the drama.“ Altman also said he has learned from the episode, admitting that he “should have handled that situation with more grace and care.“

Could there be one final twist in the tale? Cofounder llya Sutskever, who voted for Altman to be fired before reversing his position, has not been heard from publicly and has not posted on social media platforms since shortly after Altman’s firing. His status at the company is unclear. Several questions about what transpired behind the scenes also remain unanswered.

Claude 3 might be the new AI king

GPT-4 is no longer the lone wolf in the “scary-good AI” valley. Anthropic is making bold claims with their latest release, Claude 3. The new family of language models is going for the jugular, beating the reigning champ like OpenAI's GPT-4 and taking on newcomers like Google's Gemini.

Claude 3 isn't a one-size-fits-all. It comes in flavours: Opus, Sonnet, and Haiku. Opus is the monster truck, pricier but insanely powerful, Sonnet's your versatile workhorse and Haiku keeps things lean and mean for cost-sensitive tasks.

Anthropic claims Opus flat-out beats GPT-4 and Gemini 1.0 Ultra on everything from general knowledge to coding challenges. Sonnet trades punches with GPT-4, winning some, losing others.

These models are vision-ready, so you can send images into them to give more info and context. Also, remember, Anthropic's whole thing is about safer AI.

Along with creating a GPT-4 grade model, Anthropic has opened up its API, which means businesses are likely to flock to them. If Anthropic is right about how impressive Claude 3 is in industry-specific tasks, those who jump on Claude 3 could gain a serious advantage.

Elon Musk sues Sam Altman for betrayal

Elon Musk and OpenAI are in a serious showdown. OpenAI was founded to make artificial intelligence (AI) tech open for everyone. Now, Elon thinks they've sold out, prioritizing Microsoft's profits over the original mission.

Elon’s key point is that their latest AI is crazy powerful, but only Microsoft and insiders can use it. And that is dangerous. Then there are the shady claims that Microsoft pushed OpenAI to change leadership so they could keep control of the tech.

The legal ground is that OpenAI and Sam Aatman reached a contract that said they’ll be forever a non-profit company by creating the for-profit arm of the company.

If Sam and OpenAI win, the format of non-profit to for-profit gonna get abused. If Elon wins, can we get GPT-4 open source? And would that be a good thing? And does Elon care about open source and equal access or is it just a business move to play catch up with Grok?

Super Prompt of the week

Objective : To make your ChatGPT a content creation machine.

As an adept marketing strategist with a rich background in content creation and campaign orchestration, you are now poised to delve into an intricate analysis of past viral posts, extracting their essence to forge a dynamic content calendar. Your expertise enables you to dissect each post meticulously, identifying the niche, topic, core problem and solution, standout quotes, and captivating hooks that initially drew readers in. This deep dive will not only highlight the unique elements that contributed to their viral status but also pave the way for replicating this success in future content endeavors.

For each of the past viral posts provided, you will:

Pinpoint the niche and topic, providing a clear context for the content's relevance and appeal.

Outline the problem addressed by the post and the solution it offers, shedding light on the value it brings to the audience.

Extract the most impactful quote, a snippet that encapsulates the post's essence or delivers a potent message.

Identify the hook, the opening line that grabs attention and entices readers to dive deeper into the content.

Summarize the post concisely, offering a snapshot of its content and appeal to facilitate easy recreation or adaptation.

Your goal is to craft a comprehensive guide that answers the question, "How can I easily recreate the success of this post?" with precision and creativity. This analysis will serve as the foundation for a week-long content calendar, structured to release one post per day. Each entry in the calendar will start with a compelling hook designed to capture the audience's interest from the get-go.

The content calendar will be meticulously formatted for optimal readability, employing headings, subheadings, bold text, and strategic line breaks to enhance visual appeal and navigational ease. This calendar will not only reflect your strategic foresight and content mastery but also your commitment to elevating brand visibility and engagement through well-crafted, resonant posts. Your approach will be systematic, yet creative, ensuring each piece of content is primed to capture the essence of its viral predecessors while forging new paths to engagement and impact.

If you want more Advance ChatGPT Prompts like this one, You can download it from the link given below:
Download Link

AI Tools of the week

Vmaker.com : Turn your raw videos into stunning videos in minutes.

Lummi.ai : The ultimate source for AI-generated stock photos.

Rask.ai : Translate video and audio into over 130 languages — and turn long videos into shorter clips.

Aiva.ai : A personal music generation assistant that can generate songs across more than 250 styles.

Fireflies.ai : Transcribe, summarize, and search meeting notes and voice conversations.

Premium Course of the week

Complete Social Media Marketing Course Bundle worth $599 for FREE

That’s all for today!
Thanks for reading. See you next week.

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