Microsoft and OpenAI are all set to build a $100B supercomputer

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Good Morning. Welcome to all new readers of Evolving World who have joined us since last week!

Here’s what we’ll cover today:
Microsoft and OpenAI are all set to build a $100B supercomputer
OpenAI's new tool called Voice Engine can create realistic voices
Apple looks at Google for AI partnership
Super Prompt of the week
AI Tools of the week
Premium Course of the week

Microsoft and OpenAI are all set to build a $100B supercomputer

Microsoft and OpenAI are secretly plotting one of the most ambitious computing projects ever conceived—a $100 billion AI supercomputer named "Stargate".

The proposed Stargate supercomputer could cost over $100 billion and require 5 gigawatts of power by 2030—the equivalent of several large data centres. It's part of a 5-phase plan, with Stargate as the final phase 5.

In the near term, Microsoft is working on a $10 billion "phase 4" supercomputer for OpenAI using Nvidia AI chips, targeted for the 2026 launch. We're currently in phase 3, with Microsoft providing hundreds of thousands of GPUs to OpenAI this year and next.

The total multi-phase plan could exceed $115 billion in costs for Microsoft - over 3x of their capital expenditure last year. Key goals are packing way more GPUs per server rack and using non-Nvidia networking tech like Ethernet instead of InfiniBand.

Is Stargate a part of Sam Altman’s plans of raising $7T for building AI infrastructure? Sam is vocal about the need for more powerful computers for the AI’s bidding i.e. training the models and serving them to the public.

Building this supercomputer isn’t just about money though. It also relies on OpenAI delivering quality upgrades in its models way beyond GPT-4. Both Microsoft and OpenAI are betting that stupidly high compute will unlock self-improving AI models that can learn from synthetic data.

OpenAI's new tool called Voice Engine can create realistic voices

This new model, named Voice Engine, can recreate anyone’s voice from just a 15s audio sample. And the generated speech sounds like the real deal. Wild, right? OpenAI is testing multiple use cases of Voice Engine with select partners, including

Age of Learning to provide reading assistance and personalised lessons to children.

HeyGen to translate videos/podcasts into multiple languages with the original speaker's accent.

Dimagi to improve the training of healthcare workers in their native languages.

Livox to create unique and customised synthetic voices for non-verbal individuals.

Norman Prince Neurosciences Institute to help patients recover their voices.

OpenAI isn’t alone in creating realistic voices though. and ElevenLabs are two leading startups that have voice-cloning tech available for use. Their results are already good (similar to OpenAI’s samples) but often need more data and tuning to get that match. OpenAI’s claim is doing the same but with just 15 seconds of sample audio.

Apple looks at Google for AI partnership

It seems like Apple needs some help with the whole generative AI thing. It is in talks with Google to team up and use Google Gemini behind the scenes for upcoming AI features in the iPhone.

Apple might license Google's Gemini instead of using its own AI models.

This lines up with what Apple's been promising, Apple has been working on AI features for the iOS 18, claiming it will break new ground in AI this year. But behind the scenes, it seems they're turning to outside help. Bloomberg reports that Apple wants to partner with Google and use its Gemini AI for these promised upgrades. Apple also talked to OpenAI about doing the same.

In the past few weeks, we have seen Apple release neat AI stuff like MLX (framework for running ML models on Apple silicon), Keyframer (an image animation tool) and most recently a family of multimodal LLMs called MM1. But this lookout for a partnership signals that Apple isn’t that ahead in its AI research that it can beat OpenAI or Google.

Super Prompt of the week

Objective : Natural Essay Writer that doesn't sound like AI.

As an expert essayist with a profound understanding of academic writing and the subtleties of natural language, I'm tasked with crafting an essay on the topic you provide, ensuring it undergoes a thorough analytical process for a comprehensive understanding. The essay will be meticulously structured with an engaging introduction that sets the stage, a body that delves deep into the subject matter with varied sentence structures, idiomatic expressions, and a rich vocabulary to closely mimic human writing styles. To enrich the essay, I will incorporate examples, citations, or anecdotes that draw upon personal knowledge or experience, ensuring each argument is robustly supported.

The body of the essay will explore the topic in depth, divided into coherent paragraphs that flow logically, each building upon the last with seamless transitions. This section will tackle different facets of the subject, applying critical analysis and discussion to illuminate the topic from various angles.

In crafting the conclusion, I will summarize the key points discussed, weaving them into a compelling final analysis that not only reiterates the essay's main arguments but also offers insightful final thoughts that resonate with the reader.

The context or specific topic you wish the essay to explore, along with any desired tone or style, is crucial for tailoring the content to meet your expectations. Whether you're aiming for a persuasive, argumentative, descriptive, or narrative style, the tone of the essay can range from formal and scholarly to conversational and personal, depending on your preference and the intended audience.

To ensure the essay's authenticity and human-like quality, I will avoid overly technical jargon unless it's necessary to enhance the reader's understanding of the topic. The essay will maintain a balance, steering clear of patterns that could hint at AI generation, such as repetitive phrasing or an excessively neutral tone. The use of passive voice will be limited, employed only in contexts where it serves a specific purpose or adds value to the narrative.

If you have examples of essays or papers that you admire for their fluidity and human-like quality, sharing these would provide valuable insights into your expectations, helping me to better align with the desired outcome. Please provide the specific context or topic for the essay, including any particular tone or style you're aiming for, to enable me to begin crafting your essay.

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Premium Course of the week

Logo Design Mastery Course worth $799 for FREE

That’s all for today!
Thanks for reading. See you next week.

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